
Thursday, July 14, 2011

Celebrity Cook-Along, Bobby Flay!

Hey everyone-Welcome to the Celebrity Cook-Along! It was a beautiful day for grilling out, about 90 degrees with moderate humidity-great for Philly in July! I invited you to join me in making Bobby Flay's Grilled Rib Eye Steak with Chipotle Honey Glaze and Roasted Pepper Relish, a good choice!

Looking at the recipe HERE you might think it's a little involved but truthfully I only added a few pantry items to minced garlic and store bought roasted red peppers. Everything was mixed and ready to go in about 20 minutes. This whole meal could be on the table in no time.
Not bad considering the only thing I know about grilling is the drinks should be cold!

Side dish: I cut zucchini into 1/4" thick planks, drizzled with olive oil and liberally shook Montreal Steak Seasoning over them, let them sit for at least 15 minutes. Then grilled them as long as the steaks, flipped them at the same time too. I'd make them thicker next time.

A Public Service Announcement from Earl:
Remember, it's very important to stay well hydrated in the summer...
Good help is hard to find folks!
  • I think the Chipotle Glaze is amazing-love it! I'll be making it as a dipping sauce and leaving out the oil from now on. I can't wait to add extra chipotle and dip grilled chicken or meatballs into it. 
  • Personally, I don't think the peppers bring much to the party. Added to a side salad maybe, but I won't put them on the steak again. Actually, make them as written and serve on a toasted baguette as Bruschetta-perfect!!!
  • Chipotle tip: I make piles of 1-2 leftover chipotles topped with the sauce on a silicone or parchment lined baking sheet and freeze them. Then store them in a zip top bag in the freezer for when I need them. 
Chipotle Glaze/Dip:
½ cup honey
1 tablespoon chipotle puree (or more)
1 tablespoon Dijon mustard
2 tablespoons canola oil (leave out for the dip)
1 teaspoon kosher salt
Whisk together the honey, chipotle puree, Dijon, oil and salt in a small bowl until combined.

Did you try the Rib Eye or another one of Bobby's recipes?
Link up and let us know! Then don't forget to stop by LazyonLoblolly to win a copy of 
Bobby Flay's Grilling For Life Cookbook!
Have a happy day:@)
I'm joining Foodie Friday.


  1. love the recipe...but that pig with the coors light is hysterical...

    happy weekend, my friend

    kary and teddy

  2. Oh my son believes that the "food sun" rises and sets on Bobby Flay.

  3. Your pig is a hoot!!! You dinner looks good too.

  4. "Not bad considering the only thing I know about grilling is the drinks should be cold!", LOL, my hubby is the grillmeister thankfully, it's way too hot for me...Earl is right, hydration is key :) I'm looking forward to trying the chipotle glaze/dip and love the idea of zucchini planks! Thanks for hosting :-)

  5. My hubby is the grill master in our house, and I will make this glaze for him to try next time he makes BBQ chicken or sounds good!
    Tell Earl I need one of those hats! ;)

  6. Your dinner looks amazing! Earl is, as always, the fashionpigsta! I will be back tonight with my recipe! I meant to do make it on Sunday, but things got changed up a bit!

  7. Bobby Flay does have some wonderful grilling recipes. I love his Burgers, Fries and Shakes cookbook, too - full of great ideas and recipes to really lift that simplest of American fare. I hope to join in next month now that we're all moved. Stop by and see our new cottage if you have a chance. :)

  8. Hi Lynn, that steak looks really good. The glaze sounds wonderful. I think Earl has the right idea. xo,

  9. Great goodness!..this looks so dawg-gone good, I would hawg it all!..I'm
    loving Bobby Flay's recipes. Great celebrity pick, you and Earl done good.
    Hope everyone has a ton of fun with the cook along! I know I have already!
    The cookbook giveaway is a real good one, some lucky winner will enjoy it so much, Thanks for being such a gracious hostess, and tell EARL I said,"sober up",teeheweehe.

  10. Welllll shoot. I forgot this challenge, and I was going to get the husband to grill something wonderful.
    Don't even THINK of suggesting that I grill something myself. I don't even know how to fire up the grill. It's sad but true. I think the chipotle glaze sounds great.

  11. Hi lovely lady.
    I love your Steak looks so Good !!! I also look his book and your Give-A-Way... I hope you have a Great Week with your lovely family.
    XXOO Diane

  12. This dish looks amazing! Apparently Earl knows as much about grilling as you do!

    Blessings, Debbie

  13. Earl is awesome, so is your dinner! It looks fantastic.

  14. LOL! Earl just has it all, doesn't he?
    Your recipe choice looks delish. Wish I'd seen it sooner. I could have made it for dinner tonight.

    Thanks for hosting another FUN celebrity cook-along!

  15. Now, that Earl knows where it's happening !!
    Love this monthly thing, Lynn. You really had a great idea.
    Now, I am about to have a hissy fit over WHO will be the next celebrity cook...:))
    Stay cool...
    xo bj

  16. Oh...sorry I missed this one, too. You must be convinced I can't follow a recipe! Can't wait to see who you feature next. I'll put my best foot forward. Hello to Earl!


  17. Lynn, Wish I did more cooking and I would enter your party. Your grilling post looks delicious. Makes my mouth water. I always want to know what you look like. I bet I have you pictured all wrong!

  18. Mmmm...rib eye is one of my favorite cuts. Steak and beer works for me! I brought some biscuits to soak up the juices.

  19. How you fixed it does not matter to me. Just save me a big serving. Looks so tasty. I love your pig tail.

  20. that looks amazing.. I love the presentation too. Thanks for dropping in with your kind comments, Many blessings, marlis

  21. This looks really good Lynn! I will be at the party but, I'll be a late guest. But, I'll bring some cocktails for everyone! :)

  22. Chipotle flavor is a household favorite here. This all looks delicious. Look like Earl has the heat of summer beat.

  23. Hi Lynn
    Great Celebrity Chef choice this month, he has some great recipes and I'll be trying plenty of them this summer.
    Thanks for hosting this fun party, very inspiring!

  24. Earl really got my day off to a great start. I'll be smiling every time I think of this post. I also loved the chipotle sauce you devised to use on the steak. It must be delicious. I hope you have a great day. Blessings...Mary

  25. Lynn,
    Didn't get a chance to join this one - internet has not been behaving!!! Dinner looks great and that Earl is a hoot.


  26. That sounds wonderful! I love chipotle sauces and I freeze them in small packets of plastic wrap just like you.

    I love Earl's new hat :)

    I'm joining in with a recipe of Bobby's that I made last year - delicious!

  27. That steak looks delish!! This is my first time joining. Thanks for having me ;)

  28. I wanted to join in your blogging party but would you believe that I do not have any of Bobby Flay's books and I really do like his program. I rarely get a chance to watch it though. Great idea hosting a FN chef party.

    Carolyn/A Southerners Notebook

  29. I just found you on Two Birdies and a B blog....

    My favorite things..BBQ (haha ANY good food) and baking...

    I put you on my blog roll.

  30. Well Lynn, I made it! I literally just finished cleaning up from eating these yummy burgers!

  31. Now, here are some fine pickin' for recipes! Your blueberry preserves and that ribeye are making me drool!! blessings ~ tanna

  32. Thank you so much for sharing on Momtrends--I'm returning the love! I adore Bobby Flay (I've met him 2x!) and that pig is too much! Have a great weekend!

  33. Thank you for hosting such a great party, Lynn! All the recipes look just fantastic! I will be trying many of them.

    Have a great weekend!


Thank you for stopping by-enjoy your day!