
Monday, June 27, 2011

Woo Hoo! Have You Heard of the Fairy Hobmother?

Hey everyone! I had the neatest surprise today, when I checked my e-mail I had a visit from The Appliances On-Line Fairy Hobmother! Have you heard of the Fairy Hobmother before? She visits different blogs from her site HERE and grants folks a wish if they believe! I first heard of her from Amy's blog.
So she generously sent me an Amazon Gift Card and I have a fun new apron on the way and the best news is, The Fairy Hobmother will visit this post and grant a wish to one lucky person that comments! All you have to do is wish for it to happen!

Have a happy day and good luck:@)


  1. I wish! I wish! I wish! I believe! I love your wish!!


  2. How fun!! I wish ~ I wish ~ I wish :-)

  3. Ever since watching the old version of Cinderella, I have always wished for a Fairy Godmother. I haven't heard of the Fairy Hobmother before, but I believe and wish from a visit. Love your new apron -- have a great day. Joni

  4. Lynn,
    Me too! I believe!
    What a great apron. I think I agree with the sentiment!

  5. Wow! What a wonderful idea! I wish I had the means to be a fairy godmother. Congratulations on getting your wish. I believe!!! I'm going to check out her site right now. Thanks so for sharing and enjoy your day!

  6. Lynn, I was also visiting Amy's site and I saw your comment and I new you'd get a visit!! Congratulations. I am wishin' and hopin'. xo,

  7. That is the perfect apron for you! What a scream, I'm with you on the bacon things! And I am so happy for you.
    I have never heard of The Fairy Hobmother... where have I been? I have been looking for a fairy something-or-another ever since I saw Cinderella as a little girl! Is The Fairy Hobmother the one that made the nice people in my appliance store give me a free dishwasher with my purchase of a cooktop and built-in oven? I bet so!
    I believe, I believe, I believe. Oh, does that only apply to pixies or does it cover fairies too?
    So fun!

  8. If I had an apron like that hubby would think I was so "SEXY"...he often asks for "bacon scented" candles!!! LOL
    Have a wonderful day!!!

  9. If I had an apron like that hubby would think I was so "SEXY"...he often asks for "bacon scented" candles!!! LOL
    Have a wonderful day!!!

  10. You just reminded me that I had received a Fairy visit but since I was not from the UK (or was it Australia?) the magic would not work for me. Still, I did promise to mention it, and I have not. My bad!

    What a great apron for you.

  11. wishety washety wishety wish. I need an Amazon card to buy a new dish.

  12. I believe! I do! I do! I do! Adorable apron! :o)

  13. Fairy Hobmother?! Heck ya! Come visit or wave your magic wand or frying pan or whatever you like! :)

  14. i wish i may, i wish i might!!!!

  15. I'm wishing too! How nice to have someone to grant wishes.

    I'm with you on being a vegetarian if bacon grew on trees! Wouldn't that be fun.

    You are always a riot Lynn!

  16. I wish I may, I wish I might, have this wish I wish tonight...Fairy Hobmother, please visit me! Linda

  17. Omy. Oh my...Love the idea of wishes coming true..If only we can believe...Lovely apron, you are blessed

  18. WOW!! Congrats!! I wish..I wish..I wish!!

  19. Are you kidding!! How cool is that.
    Have a magical week Lynn

  20. Oh I wish I wish I wish...I do I do I do....pick meeeeeee....I love the cute name too.. :) Debb

  21. Wow, is that ever cool! Thanks and I'm going to investigate this further. Thanks for the links. Lynn, you have a wonderful week!
    Blessings, Beth

  22. That is so cool! It is magical...bibbidi-bobbidi-boo!

  23. I'm laughing at your post and the apron is great. My daughter and her hubby are almost vegetarians. I cracked up when my granddaughter ordered a hamburger then told me she didn't eat meat. She's only 4 but she has obviously heard them say that.
    I believe and would love to have a visit from the special lady. Thanks for the chance.

  24. HAPPY DAY!

    What a fabulous way to start your week! Enjoy your apron.

  25. We believe at my house! In fact, it's MY word! ♥♫

  26. The apron is so cool, Lynn!! Most are not!! What a neat blog she has!!


  27. Will wonders never cease! A fairy hobmother; I'll be going to visit this gal for sure.
    Love the apron you've ordered.

  28. Isn't that a perfect gift for you. If you didn't believe before you surely do now.
    I believe too.

  29. I do believe in special angels out there...I've had them touch my life in many ways before. Bless the Fairy Hobmother for her kindness.
    Love your apron!

  30. I've definitely not heard of a fairy hobmother but she sounds AWESOME!!! I could use some fairy dust around here but it would probably get mixed up in the regular ole dust. lol! I do love your apron, it's hilarious! My son loves him some bacon. I'll have to tell you my bacon in his lunch box story some time :)

  31. What a great blog! I'm your newest follower. I would LOVE to be granted a wish from the Fairy Hobmother to!

  32. Totally awesome Hobmother if ya ask me.
    Would she grant me my wish? No, there's nothing in that little bag for me. Well alright then, I'm clicking my heels three times.
    (This time I corrected my misspellings)

  33. What fun! Now that's the job I want.

  34. I do believe in fairies! I do, I do. I do believe in fairies!!

    Blessings, Debbie

  35. I have never heard of the fairy hobmother. But I do love fairy tales, so.....
    Your new apron is really cute! :-)

  36. Lynn,

    WOW! How cool is that! I love your apron. The Fairy Hobmother was very good to you.

    I do believe in fairies
    I do believe in fairies
    I do believe in fairies .....

    Dee :-)

  37. Oh looookout, folks. I'm putting my big old blogging bootie in the mix and bumping to the forefront.

    Pick me!
    Pick me!

    I really need a fairy hobmother right now. (OK, technically I need an extreme life makeover, but a fairy is a very good start.)

  38. Well, I am a believer now! I have never heard of her before though. That is so cool! I have to go check this out now to find out more why she called a fairy "hob" mother! Love your new apron too by the way! :)))

  39. Congrats! I've always been a believer in the Fairy God mother i MEAN here goes...I wish, I wish. .!
    Love the apron and thanks for always leaving such lovely comments xx

  40. I do believe, I do believe, I do I do I do believe! I have never heard of this before. How cool is that? I wish I had the money and resources to make peoples wishes come true. If I could have my dream job it would be to be a fairy godmother! Love that apron! How cute is that?!

  41. Congratulations! you and your blog rally deserve it. I do not think she visits Canada.

  42. Thanks for the info on the site! I haven't believed in fairies before but now I am a believer!!! If I get the wish can I wish for BACON!!! :)

  43. I believe :) LOL! I'll even clap my hands three times and wish and everything!
    Tell the hobnob fairy to say hi to Tinkerbell for me!

  44. Wooohooo! how cool is that??!!
    The apron is perfect for you, my dear!

  45. Love your is perfect for you! I wish, I wish, I wish...........hope it comes true:)

  46. I'm squeezing my eyes shut tight and wishing! Never heard of the Fairy Hobmother, but hoping I see her soon.

  47. I've just clicked my heels three times, wishing for the Fairy Hobmother to become my newest friend!
    Love this apron!...

  48. What a fun apron! Enjoy wearing it, Lynn. I am wishing the Fairy Hobmother to become my friend too....Christine

  49. What a cool apron~perfect for you! I wish I may, I wish I might, have this wish I wish tonight! :)

  50. I believe! What a fun thing to do. I can't wait to check out the links.

  51. I do believe in The Fairy Hobmother! I do, I do, I do! I also wish she's visit me ;)

  52. I'm totally in love...and I DO BELIEVE....The Fairy Hobmother must be wonderful...this apron is amazing and I love it.
    xo bj

  53. I wish for a great apron like that. I love bacon.

    Its a long flight here but I will serve up some camp oven scones and tea.

  54. Bippity Boppity Boo to you!
    If I had a wish, I'd share it too!
    I believe, I believe, I believe, I do!


    P.S. Is she related to HobGOBLINS?

  55. sigh...Im always tooo late...and tooo feral...

    *shuffles off to go check the horses rattler bite once again...but not before filling up the ole bean pot for Happiers bean recipe...*

  56. I sure wish I could get enlightened so I can select some new appliances for the kitchen. Guess I'll hop on over and get educated. I believe, yes I do!!!


Thank you for stopping by-enjoy your day!