
Wednesday, June 8, 2011

"H" is for Happy... to mow the lawn???

Hey everyone-I'm joining Mizz Jenny for Alphabe Thursday! I never thought I'd hear myself saying this but, I'm so Happy to mow the lawn now!
I bought myself a new mower, it's not a fancy riding mower like Fred's here...

But for the first time I have a self-propelled one and it is great! 
I think the only thing better would be a Roomba for the lawn:@)
Have a happy day!


  1. Love the Roomba for the lawn idea! I'll get your surprise in the mail!!

    Susan and Bentley

  2. Roomba for the lawn.... will you be putting these on the market soon? Great idea my friend.

    Love the funny photo!!


  3. How Funny!! Good for you getting the self propelled, my mom has one and loves it, makes mowing a breeze. xo

  4. I love Fred and his mower. The safety glasses he's sporting are great. I needed a smile this morning.

    Congrats on the mower. I am happy for you. It's so fun to get a new tool.

  5. woo hoo! happy mowing to you! i enjoy mowing the yard!

  6. I love the idea of a lawn Roomba!

  7. Congrats and happy mowing! I love the smell of fresh cut grass. xo,

  8. Yes! A Roomba for the lawn! Someone needs to invent that. (Come to think of it, since my husband does all the mowing I sort of have one, don't I?)

    Yay for the new mower. It does make a huge difference, or so I'm told.

  9. They do have a roomba for your lawn! A good mower does make mowing the lawn fun. A self propelled is great. So much easier! I love our rider, but I love that the boy is now old enough to do the lawn more!

  10. Fred's mower is very cool. If I had one of those I might just take over mowing the lawn again!

  11. Better still, have your sons do it!
    IT IS HOT! What happened to Spring? Winter to summer!

  12. Too funny! Hope you can keep your cool while enjoying your new mower!

    Sherry @ A Happy Valentine

  13. Lynn, I love my self-propelled mower. I am not small and sometimes I feel as if it is slinging me down the hill. I enjoy the exercise a lot anyhoo. I hope you enjoy yours too! ♥O

  14. Congrats on the new mower! I can't imagine pushing one. Take that, grass - LOL.

  15. Yippee! I'm glad you got your self propelled mower. I love mine. Congrats...

  16. Hahaha. That is too funny. Fred is an innovative thinker, isn't he.

  17. Roomba for the lawn is a great idea, Lynn. You should get it patented...Christine

  18. I LOVE the smell of fresh cut grass. I'm so happy you have a new mower! ALTHOUGH I think Fred is quite clever AND he's even getting exercise!
    Have a wonderful week,

  19. Yip-pee!...Happy to be mowing, your my kinda galfriend!, I love to mow too! Only out here on Loblolly it takes me all day, I have about 8 acres, I'm not complaining though!...ain't nothin' makes me more happy than to see a fresh cut lawn.Except maybe something good to eat!teehehe.

  20. Mowing the lawn is quite satisfying! I've had my mower for almost 20 years, and it's a self propelled.
    Although at our house, it only takes me 15 minutes to mow. That includes picking up dog poop and sweeping clippings off the sidewalk after!

  21. We have a Honda Self Propelled mower that we bought in 1986. It burns oil now and I'm always afraid the EPA will come by someday while we're mowing, but the darn thing just won't quit. We've had it tuned up a few times over the years and my husband changes the oil and spark plug, but that's about it. Actually, we were just talking last week about getting the blade sharpened. It's really amazing how it's held up when you consider we mow the lawn probably 9 months a year. We love our Honda Self Propelled Mower! Enjoy your mower and may it last many years.

  22. So wonderful! I'm still using my push mower that isn't self-propelled--doubles as a work out. Enjoy mowing!

  23. Now if you hook up the roomba with the lawnmower.. how wonderful that combo would be!!! happy mowing.. many blessings. marlis

  24. I'll take one of your inventions please - do you mail outside the Continental US?

  25. What a funny photo of the riding lawn mower. That will definitely help one burn off calories that's for sure :) I've never mowed a lawn nor will I ever have a lawn to mow but I'm sure that my first time will be a fun and exciting one!

  26. OMG that's it, that's what I need... the roomba not the fancy mower pictured or a self propelled one.... LOL:-)

  27. You can bike and mow at the same time. Cool idea!

  28. A Roomba for the house and one for the lawn--hog (oops, pig) heaven!


  29. When I moved out of the city one of my goals was to never mow a lawn again!

    Love the "riding mower" pic...

  30. I love a good laugh and that was

  31. hahaha, great riding lawnmower. I MIGHT could get my husband to use one of those.

  32. Well, the Rumba sounds fine, but it wouldn't mow our rocks!!

  33. I think you're onto something. You definitely need to invent the yard roomba!

    I might be willing to invest in a company like this!

    Thanks for the smile and the happy link this week.


  34. It's Toonces the mowing cat! LOL


Thank you for stopping by-enjoy your day!