
Saturday, June 25, 2011

Garden Green Beans and Baby Red Potatoes with Thyme

Hi everyone! My beans are starting to come in and I had some potatoes, so... I started with a Paula Deen recipe HERE, but did change it a bit. I only wanted to make enough for lunch with maybe a few leftovers.
Leftovers... I do crack myself up:@)

What you need:

My idea of Mise En Place... minus the thyme:

Green Beans and Baby Potatoes (8-10 servings) by Paula Deen
3lbs fresh green beans - I used a big handful.
1/4lb salt pork, diced - I did not use this.
1/4 C bacon grease - I used less than a tablespoon.
2 C chicken broth - I used less than 1 tsp of Chicken Better Than Bouillon and 1/2 C water.
2-3 tsp House Seasoning - I used 1/2 tsp kosher salt, 1/8 tsp both pepper and garlic powder.
12 small potatoes - Mine were about 1".
1 onion cut into slivers - I used about 1/3 C.
1/2 stick butter - I didn't think this was necessary, there's lots of flavor without it.
Ground black pepper - Love it, but didn't need extra.
I'm adding 1 tsp fresh thyme from the garden, if making Paula's recipe I'd add 3-4 tsp.

Paula's Directions:
  1. Clean beans and cut into 2 or 3 bite size pieces.
  2. In large cast iron dutch oven brown salt pork in bacon fat for about 10 mins. 
  3. Toss the beans in and stir.
  4. Add broth and House Seasoning, cover and cook for 30 minutes, or until beans are half done.
  5. Peel a center strip from each new potato. At the end of 30 minutes add potatoes, onion and more broth if needed.
  6. Cook tightly covered until potatoes are cooked, approx 30 minutes.
  7. Add butter, cock lid to evaporate some of the liquid.
What I did, I was hoping the beans wouldn't get too mushy:
  1. Tossed everything except thyme into the pot, brought to a gentle boil, reduced to a simmer and cooked covered for 25 minutes.
  2. Gave it a stir, there was still plenty of liquid, so I added about 1 tsp fresh chopped thyme and then cocked the lid so some of the liquid could evaporate. Cooked for an additional 12 minutes.
  • My poor over-cooked (but oh so yummy) beans... Next time, I'll cook the potatoes for 15-20 minutes, then add the beans.
  • They were just a little salty for me so I'll probably cut back on the House Seasoning and Better Than Bouillon a touch next time. 
  • I'd add more thyme.
  • Over all-This is very tasty and I'll make it again, as a matter of fact I'm looking forward to making it for my sons soon. I like the flavor the bacon fat and chicken broth bring.
  • Gardening note: I mentioned previously my bean blooms were purple this year, these seeds are Burpee's Contender. They appear to be a thinner bean than the Blue Lake that I've used in the past. Tasty, but probably more tender and much faster cooking.
Have a happy day:@)

I'm joining:


  1. This sounds so yummy! Love Paula! Have a great weekend,

  2. oh man does that look good, I have to agree with texwisgirl...perfect comfort food. mmmm

  3. Love that bacon grease in there- Hope you hid it from Earl. I'm from the south, and I don't think your beans are overcooked at all. I think it all looks fabulous! :)

  4. I want to make this, using your recipe, and skipping the bacon grease. This sounds delish, and I need a recipe for tiny potatoes since I am growing some this year for the first time.

  5. Looks excellent! I love how you made it specifically with leftovers in mind :)

  6. Nothing better then fresh green beans and new potatoes cooked in bacon fat...well a little bit anyway! I am hungry just looking at this!
    hugs, Linda

  7. Your recipe looks and sounds delicious. No need for all the extra fat. xo,

  8. Your amazing pics made me hungry just looking at the yummy dish. Bacon fat... truly the seasoning of the gods.

  9. Just made fresh green beans and little red potatoes yesterday. I use olive oil in mine and it gives a good flavor.

    Yum. I think I'll go heat up some.


  10. I've got tons of thyme...will have to try this. Looks yummy!

  11. I was just scolding myself today for not planting potatoes this year. Those young potatoes look soooooo good!

  12. Yum! And my favorites, too! If it's Miss Paula, you KNOW it's got to be good! Happy weekend!...hugs...Debbie

  13. great side dish for any meal!

  14. good does that look/sound!! Yum :)


  15. Looks's so hot here(109 today) that Mr. Sweet and I are eating a lot of sandwiches, salads and ICE CREAM...:)

  16. Hi Lynn, this looks so good! Did Earl convince you to leave out the salt pork? I noticed that Paula's sons try to tone down the salt and fat in her recipes too. I think hers are quite high in sodium and fat, but your version looks good! Linda

  17. I love green beans and new potatoes. One of my favorite things of summer. Looks so good! Have a great week!

  18. I like the combination of potatoes and beans. It's great to have you be a part of Seasonal Sundays.

    - The Tablescaper

  19. Wow! Now this is a great lunch. Healthy and delicious.

  20. I adore potatoes and this one's a great and delish recipe, I just got hungry!! Thank you, I will make for Sunday lunch, nice and light too. Lots of hugs, FABBY

  21. Oh my! There are so many yummy things going on over here! I love it! Those pickles look so good - I think I need to go get some store bought ones from my fridge because I can't make homemade tonight. (and no, I'm not pregnant) The beans and potatoes sound fantastic too. I love the patriotic bark too! So many tasty ideas! And! A pig swimming in the pool! Thanks darlin'! (As I think Paula Deen would say.)

  22. Oh fresh green beans, can't wait. My Grandmother always put bullion cubes in her canned beans in the winter to make them taste better.

  23. You are so lucky to have beans from your garden already. I have always enjoyed green beans and potatoes but usually put them in a steamer basket. Yours sure sound like they would have a lot more flavor though. xo

  24. Your beans & potatoes look delish! I grew up eating over-cooked green grandmother made them that way and always put a couple of tablespoons of sugar in them and they were oh so yummy! She could have given Paula a run for her money in the bacon fat & butter department :-)

  25. The green haricot beans in my garden are way off yet but when they're ready I'll be trying this recipe.
    I might cut down on the cooking time though, as we prefer them al dente.

  26. Good morning Lynn, You crack ME up. I'm assuming you ate every bite of this awesome dish. Sine we have been in Maine for a month our little garden has not been planted. I envy your lovely green beans.

    Are you serious? Do you really have a pig named Porky? Smile.
    XO, Jeanne

  27. Looks yummy! I wish that I had gotten off my rumpus and planted a garden. I miss all the fresh veggies and herbs that I had last year. I can't wait to see what else you have up your sleeve for your harvest!

  28. This is my brother's favorite dish. It looks great Lynn. Happy Sunday!

  29. I will be a while before I have any fresh beans but this sounds like a great recipe to use them!

    I love Better than Bouillon!

  30. That looks so good Lynn! As I was reading through the recipe, I thought the same thing - that maybe the potatoes should be started first, then add the beans. I think they would pick up the flavor of the bacon fat as they cooked. I've copied this to take to my next pot luck!

  31. Perfect! I got green beans and baby potatoes in the veggie box this week. Thanks for the tip about the beans. This is going on the table with dinner tonight!

  32. An interesting recipe and I liked how you changed things up a bit to your liking.
    Unfortunately my hubby doesn't like green beans so I only grow yellow but they're versatile as well.

  33. OMGosh you are going to make me as fat as a piggy lol...this looks delish, as do most of the recipes you tease me with lol.

    Blessings Kelsie

  34. Oh my, one of my all time favorites, fresh green beans and new potatoes. My mom taught me to love these and I make them all summer long. Thanks for sharing a great recipe.

    The French Hutch

  35. What fun to see what you are already producing in your heat! It all looks delicious here and you've made me hungry.

  36. Green beans are the only vegetable I can do without. I would however eat up all those potatoes!

  37. Green beans and new potoatoes - one of my favourite vegetable dishes. This is one I've never used a recipe to make. It was just something we grew up eating. I can remember big bowls of it on the table at my grandmother's house. Haven't made it in a long time and you've inspired me. Thanks so much!


  38. I love this recipe. I especially appreciate the notes you added next to the original recipe. I definitely want to make this one. Thanks for sharing it! Amy


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