
Thursday, June 16, 2011

Blueberry Cookies

Hey everyone! Many years ago I thought it would be neat to read an old homesteading cookbook, you know, one where the recipes started with "skin the rabbit"... A woman I worked with said she'd bring in her Grandfather's for me. Well, it didn't take long for this Philly girl to get queasy and flip to the baking section!
I copied this recipe from that book.

We're coming into blueberry season in the Mid Atlantic and I thought I'd finally give these cookies a try.

Blueberry Cookies
2 C flour
2 tsp baking powder
1/2 tsp salt
3/4 C blueberries
1/2 C shortening
1 C sugar
1 1/2 tsp lemon rind
1 egg
1/4 C milk.
I mixed the shortening and sugar, then added everything but the blueberries.
Gently fold the berries in at the end.
The recipe called for a greased cookie sheet, I used parchment.
Bake 375 degrees 8-12 minutes.

Ready for the oven:

Burstin' Berry Goodness:
  • These are very good, I do recommend trying a batch while the blueberries are fresh!
  • If you have extra berries don't hesitate to add them.
  • They are a soft, cakey cookie, ok on day two, but best eaten when made (like that's a problem!).
  • Usually I try to cut back on sugar, I suggest that you use the full cup.
  • I added a pic of them on the baking sheet so you could see that it is hard to completely cover the berries with batter. I didn't worry about it too much.
  • They would be beautiful with a cup of tea!
  • The only problem I have with these cookies is, they are way too easy to eat:@)
Have a happy day!
I'm joining:


  1. wow... I've never heard of blueberry cookies before. They certainly look easy enough to make.


  2. Love those old cookbooks! The cookies sound great!

  3. This is the type of cookie that is my husband's favorite. I'm a chocolate gal, but he loves things like this.

  4. My favorite berry. I but that lemon rind really makes it! YUM :)

  5. Blueberries and lemon always go so well together. They look very moist and remind me of the cookies my grandmother and great aunt made, using cake mix of all things. xo

  6. They look so yummy. We have blueberry muffins at our house, but I never even thought you could make blueberry cookies. I'm going to try your recipe! Thanks for sharing it.

  7. I trust you when you say they are easy to finish..... but I really love blueberry....(when I arrived in New York the first thing I did was buying blueberries and eating them!!!)... I would like to ask you, may I substitute shortening with butter?? Any way next August I 'm going to spend few days in LA and my intention is to spend half day in a food store to study any kind of flour, shortening, brown have in USA!!! :D hugs.....Flavia

    now I copy-paste this great recipe!!! xoxoxox

  8. These look really good and they look like a perfect cookie to have with coffee!

  9. I wish I had a couple to go with my cup of coffee right now! xo,

  10. Oh, those look so good! I think the blueberries are in season here now too. We have yet to do any picking. I really need to get out there and do some though. I got a whole empty freezer downstairs just waiting to be stocked!

  11. Ooh, I've never heard of blueberry cookies before! I felt the same way about some of the old family recipes I thumbed through @ my mom's a few weeks ago...guinea and squirrel or rabbit gumbo made me wrinkle my nose, but I'm sure if I had it prepared for me I'd think it was good ; ) Thanks for sharing this recipe. One tip that I learned in culinary school was to toss the berries in flour after rinsing them so that the flour coated them, helping them to bleed less. Didn't help all the time, but worth a try.

  12. We just love blueberries. I am so surprised that I have never heard of blueberry cookies. They look so good. I love how perfect the dough balls look on your cookie sheet. :-)

  13. your cookies look delicious!! gloria

  14. I love cookies and never thought to add fresh blueberries to cookie dough! Nice idea --they look wonderful!

  15. Blueberries and lemon....great combo!

  16. These have my name written all over them. I just so happen to have some blueberries in the fridge. I was going to make muffins, but my money is on these baking in my oven tomorrow afternoon. I may eat the whole batch myself!

  17. These look delicious and we have several blueberry bushes at our farm in S GA. They will be ready to pick very soon and I know I will try this recipe. Thank you for sharing.

    Carolyn/A Southerners Notebook

  18. The look great. The tang of the lemon sounds good paired up with blueberries.

  19. They look good!
    So who is the next celebrity chef? Inquiring minds want to know!

  20. Oh yum! I LOVE blueberries! These cookies look great!

  21. I have never, ever had a blueberry cookie! Looks great.

    Blessings, Debbie

  22. Your Blog is the only foodie blog where i can actually make the food you highlight in your posts. Make it because you make it "un-complicated" to make and make it to be able to actually eat it - its edible. and not only edible but tastes GREAT!!!Thats like a miracle - seriously.

    We love you and your blog!!!

  23. I love fresh blueberries. I've made muffins before, but I never thought about making cookies. Great idea!

    I hope you'll stop by and share your recipe with Sweet Tooth Friday!

  24. Yum...we do not have any blueberries yet. Ours are rather late. But the wild ones will be get ripe soon and they are much smaller I expect they would be good in this recipe. I will have to try.

  25. Love blueberries! Will have to try this for sure!

  26. I had to click on your cookies from Sweet for Saturday! You have them arranged like a Mickey Mouse head and I am a Mickey fanatic! I have fresh blueberries growing in the garden and your cookies sound like a perfect use for them! I can't wait to try them!

  27. Sounds os good. I am trying these. Thanks for hosting the Celebrity Cook a long also. Hugs, Ginger

  28. I adore your little blueberry cookies. So much better than a muffin (love blueberry muffins) because you can eat more of them. Love it!

    I'd like to invite you to share your recipe on A Well-Seasoned Life's Sweet Indulgences Sunday.

  29. Oh yum! I love blueberry anything!!!!!

  30. I wonder if this recipe would work for blackberries? My blackberry bushes are starting to produce. Might have to give it a try.

  31. Easy to make and easy to eat! Thanks so much for being a part of Seasonal Sundays.

    - The Tablescaper

  32. I love blueberries. These look delicious.Can't wait to try them.


Thank you for stopping by-enjoy your day!