
Thursday, May 26, 2011

Star of the Bar-B-Que Cookies!

Hey everyone! I wanted to try to make some fancier cookies that would be good for the summer holidays and think these are easy and fun!
Simply make dough in two (or more) different colors.
Roll out each color separately.
Using a big and small cutter, cut out the big cookie then using a smaller cutter cut out the middle.
 Remove the middle and carefully put it into a different colored cookie, gently press into place.

  • Use a tried and true, nice handling cut out cookie dough. And if you have one, please share the recipe with me! The dough I used tasted great, but was not nice to work with, even after chilling well.
  • This is a bit of a labor of love, but I think a good dough recipe and chilled dough would really make a big difference.
  • You may find that a toothpick helps to remove the center cut out.
  • I used a Williams-Sonoma icing pen for the white, details HERE, can't recommend them enough!
Have a happy day:@)

I'm joining:


    1. I have a roll of cookie dough I want to use up. Now you have made it fun!

    2. I love, love, love your cookies! They are beautiful. What fun to make. Will have to give them a try....maybe on the fourth.

    3. I am so out of the loop, the icing pens are new to much fun can you have with those?! Your cookies are great, what a good excuse to get those cookie cutters out again!

      Blogger still broken for me and many others.
      Sherri B.

    4. I'd be willing to taste test these for you...I'm just sayin'.

      Do you have a recipe using cream cheese? If not, I'll email you mine. I love it and it is very easy to work with.

      I hope you are having a great day! La

    5. I bet that these would be awesome with jello cookies! I think that I am going to try these out for Memorial Day. Thanks for the idea!

    6. What a great addition to the holiday table. These look really delicious and festive. I hope you have a great day. Blessings...Mary

    7. These cookies are awesome! I must say the 'title' of the blog scared me that Earl might have been the star of the BBQ....whew so glad it was cookies!

    8. Lynn, I am still having a problem commenting. I have a great sugar cookie recipe that is no chill and rolls out great. See it on my Wormy Apple cookies recipe. I got it from Sue at Munchkin Munchies. These will really star at anyone's festivity. Joni from Red Couch Recipes

    9. These are so cute! They look like fun, but they wouldn't be on MY "easy" list. Ha! The kids would LOVE 'em!

    10. tahnks for the tips.... have a nice day, hugs, Flavia

    11. They came out really cute. I always buy that type of cookie though.

    12. Star-tastic! Happy Memorial Day Weekend (Soon)
      How about this for easy-peasy I made them Thursday for my sons Spanish class at school

      one 14 oz. can of sweet condensed milk mix into a big bowl (may have to use fingers) 20 oz. of sweetened coconut. a dash of real vanilla.

      when mixed throughly whip up two med egg egg whites till stiff and fold into the coconut mixture. oven heated to just 300 degrees shape the mixture into ball shapes level teaspoon or
      less size)
      bake (300) for betwn 18 and 15 mins I like crispy, so I go for 18 mins and toasty brown colored
      they will still be soft and chewy inside.
      these are from Columbia and are called Cocodas. they are addictive. You could make them more Patriotic by adding food coloring to the coconut Red ones Blue ones and some left white.

    13. Those are so pretty! Perfect for the holiday.
      Visiting from Monday!

    14. So so cute. you have a lot of talent with cooking, Lynn girl. I am always so impressed.
      Thanks for the encouragement on the table I'm TRYING to do..Mr. Sweet has even made stencils for me..he is such a sweetie..his name suits him well.:)))

    15. They look great, L! Hope you have a good weekend!

    16. That was my 3rd try to post my comment. I had to sign in with an url. This is nuts!

    17. These are so cute! I'm giving a Welcome to Texas party for my new boss in a couple of weeks, and these would be perfect for the Lone Star State! Thanks, too, for the tip about the icing pens from W-S. I think I need some!

    18. Nothing beats homemade cookies!
      And I love your little Pilsbury dough boy on the side bar! 2 cute!

      Stop by, we'll do lunch.

      Ciao Bella!


    19. These look great Lynn! I bookmarked this link below for the next time I needed a sugar cookie recipe that didn't spread too much...I haven't made them yet.

    20. I will leave the baking of these to you. When they are just out of the oven, give me a call.

    21. Beautiful Lynn. The only rolled and cut out cookies I do are at Christmas and I chill them for 24 hours and that helps me a lot.

    22. Lynn, you amaze me. I wish I had your energy. You are always cooking up something fun. ~ Sarah

    23. I love these! They'd be perfect for a picnic this weekend. :)

    24. Lynn, you have patience and skill! These are adorable. Have a great weekend, and still having posting problems. I switched to the pop up comment box. xo,

    25. These are pretty neat, Lynn, so pretty...Christine

    26. Your cookies look so festive and fun. Perfect for a holiday weekend. You are so creative!

    27. Hello lynn,
      the star cookies are stunning. You made a perfect job.
      Best greetings, Johanna

    28. These look so simple yet turn out so impressive! More fun...

      Blessings, Debbie

    29. These are incredible. I love the color combo and the great designs you used to decorate - very creative - each cookie was different!

    30. Cute!! Would love for you to link up at my Sweet Treats Party this weekend! Hope to see you there :)

    31. Beautiful colors. You did a great job! Thanks for sharing with Sweets This Week!


    Thank you for stopping by-enjoy your day!