
Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Peonies and Puddles...

Hey everyone, Happy Tablescape Thursday! Welcome to a very wet, overcast week in Philly. Since we can't change the weather I'm just rolling with it for this week's post. Something new: said we had a 90% chance of thunderstorms, 
I went out to tie up the peonies only to find that they were beginning to open up in the rain, so I cut a few.
~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
And from last May:
I thought I'd keep it real and show you exactly what I've had an appetite for-getting the garden planted. Love flowers, but live for the veggies! Guess it's that whole "fruits of your labor" thing...
I picked up the rose tablecloth at a flea market for $2 and the lunch plates, with cups, at the Salvation Army for 99 cents. We had the gentlest spring rain last night, so perfect for new plants and seeds. 
Notice the circles on the plate, they look like rain drops hitting puddles...
~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
and Earl sends his wishes:
It's raining Earl, sunglasses?... ugh.
Have a happy day:@)


  1. Earl is simply blinded by the light of those gorgeous hot pink peonies. Sunglasses required. LOL

  2. Lucky you to have peonies! I would love to try some.

  3. Peonies are my favorites! Ours are just beginning to bud. I'm still in long sleeves around here. Come on spring!


  4. Earl is just cool enough to pull off wearing "shades" inside. He's like the Fonz! Love the peonies. What a beautiful pink color! I like your little treasures you scored too. You are right, they do look like raindrops.

  5. Cool shades, Dude!

    It's been raining so much here I can't even get my garden planted. My seedlings are starting to look droopy.

    Great peonies!

  6. The peonies are stunning, such a vibrant colour no wonder Earl needed to wear shades.
    After spending most of yesterday weeding the vegetable garden how I wish Earls words were true!

  7. It's a good thing you got such a nice picture of them before the storms got to them, very pretty! xo

  8. It came down so hard during the night it woke me up! More rain to come. Your peonies are beautiful. xo,

  9. I love peonies and I love snack sets. Once when growing up, I came home from school and my oldest sister had made cinnamon rolls and served them on my Mother's Asian snack sets. I believe it only happened once, but it made a big impression with me and began my love affair with snack sets. I don't have any rectangular ones and yours are lovely. Joni

  10. Love your pretty peonies....but love your rain more. We are in a deep deep drought and our pitiful lawns and flowers are the least of our worries...our crops are suffering so and we are very low on drinking water. Please pray for rain for parts of Texas that are so dry.

    I love your little snack plates...used to have a set of 6...where in the world did they go.?

  11. Love those peonies! We are finally going to get a few dry, warm spring days this week. This may help our strawberries ripen before August.

  12. I saw the peonies post yesterday in my reader and couldn't pull it up! I love peonies and mine didn't bloom at all this year...just green :( I think my husband cut them down too soon last year....ugh!
    Thanks for stopping by! You and Earl have a great week

  13. love the raindrop platter! very cool table-scape

  14. I am laughing out loud,thanks for the chuckle,I love Earl!

    Can't wait to see your veggie garden!
    I love your newest treasures from the
    flea & salvation.

  15. Oh how I LOVE peonies! I just looked at mine last night and they are still tight buds. I did notice an ant or two! So should be soon. What a sweet little vignette you set up with your darling thrifting finds. Oh that Earl.... :) :)


  16. Your peonies are beautiful! It will be a couple of weeks before mine open up. It's been raining a lot here too and the mountains are dusted with new snow. Have a good one!!

    Lots of love,
    Susan and Bentley

  17. Your peonies are beautiful. I am thinking we aren't going to see a sunshiny day here...ever!

  18. I love the flea markets in US. Looks like you found some lovely things for a steal. The rose table cloth is pretty. How I wish I can grow peonies in my garden. We only see peonies on sale at the nurseries during Chinese New Year. You will see peony in most homes during that time because the Chinese called this flower of riches and honor. The peonies is a symbol of feminine beauty, love and affection to the Chinese. The red peonies will sell like hot cakes a few weeks before the festive month because the color red is associated with good luck and people decorate their homes with them in hopes of bringing luck and good fortune to their home in the coming year.

  19. That Earl is such a scamp.

    GORGEOUS peonies. My all time favorite cut flower -- they are just spectacular, and I can't believe you have them actually growing for real in your yard. I am pea green with envy.

    Happy rain!

  20. Your peonies are amazing! What a beautiful color. I love snack plates also and those are so cute, yes like raindrops hitting a pond! Circles. Hi Earl! hugs, Linda

  21. Wish we had a peony bush. It'd be nice to have a little of that rain too!
    Enjoy the gardening. ~ sarah

  22. So many great finds at flea markets (the table cloth)! They're great!


  23. Pretty, pretty, piggy - the wish for weed to be wildflowers is perfect!

  24. Earl and I both. I walked all over town in the rain yesterday with sunglasses on my head. Well, it was sunny when we left!

    Blessings, Debbie

  25. Your peonies are just lovely. They're probably one of the prettiest flowers around....Christine

  26. I love peonies and their sweet scent! Beautiful!

  27. Peonies! I could keep bunches and bunches in my home. I just LOVE them! They are better than roses. Did you know that you can "hold" peonies and they will bloom in the winter? I'll be doing a post on that topic next week~ or as soon as I get some nice buds on my bushes.
    Beautiful blooms and what a good lookin' pig!
    Earl, I just might have a crush on you in those sunglasses!

  28. Lynn, Love your snack trays and your peonies! You got a great deal at Salvation Army! Have a great wknd, Lynn.

  29. Love peonies. Too bad, I can't grow them in California.

  30. As always, enjoy dropping by to see what you have to share. I love the peonies. Has your piggy been to market?

  31. I love peonies and yours are beautiful. I love your luncheon plates and the price was certainly right.

  32. Love your raindrops on your plate and your peonies! Ours are done I'm sorry to say.

  33. I love peonies! They are just a happy flower!

  34. Love peonies -- my father used to have a garden full, and he shared them with everyone.

  35. Those are beautiful. I like the bright yellow centers.

  36. Oh, I am so jealous of your stunning peonies! They are so lush and gorgeous! Love the sandwich plates you found, too. I really think I need to look for some of those!

  37. Those peonies are the MOST gorgeous color!

  38. I love your peonies! I don't have any here in Texas...not sure if they would grow. Love the sandwich plates...I agree, planting your own garden is so relaxing. The bonus is you get to eat what you grow! Happy planting!
    Blessings My Friend,

  39. Love peonies, can't grow them here (frown). I love your sandwich plates, and your tablecloth too. I've planted a few things, but with our incessant wind, well I hope they take root! Happy spring, xo marlis

  40. Gorgeous peonies, Lynn...I can smell them from here, oh, wait those are mine!

  41. Beautiful peonies! I have a bush of the same type. But when I bought the package of bulbs to plant them I thought I was getting an etirely different kind of peony because the the picture on the envelope was not this kind. You can imagine my pleasant surprise when they finally came into bloom! I do wish they lasted longer though! Mine have already come and gone for the year! Boo hoo!

    Hugs and oinks!

  42. The peonies are just lovely - so pink and "springy". I have the garden fever, too. As soon as this rain stops and I don't have to swim out to it - I would like to plant some tomatoes!

  43. Those peonies are so beautiful... I want to plant some but don't really have a good space for a garden. Maybe some day. I love the vibrant pink :D


Thank you for stopping by-enjoy your day!