
Monday, May 9, 2011

Bloomin' Tuesday!

Hey everyone-Happy Bloomin' Tuesday! I only have a few perennials to show today and I've just started planting the annuals. We usually wait until Mother's Day in Philly to be sure the last frost threat has passed. (Or maybe that's just what the nurseries say to ensure good sales for Mother's Day:@)

My chives have flowered. What do you do with yours? Do you pick off the flowers or let them go?
Last year once the greens started getting woody I totally cut it back and it did regrow nicely!

My strawberries are really getting big and blooming beautifully! 
I need lots of runners this year, I want to fill in all of the bare spots in the Strawberry Garden.

Bridal Wreath.

Lily of the Valley.
Smells great outside right now!

Does anyone know what these little over-achievers are?
I've been here 14 years, this is the first time I've noticed them and they are popping up everywhere!
They grow from bulbs like bluebells.
Update: Thanks to Garden of Daisies Mom, I believe these are called "Glory Of The Snow" (chionodoxa) and after the winter we just had in Philly, it makes perfect sense:@)

And this is what I'm waiting for, towards Memorial Day they should start...
Peonies, I'm excited because I have two "new to me" colors that will be blooming this year!
Have a happy day!


  1. Look at all the peonies buds. They will looks so beautiful when they open up. Your garden is looking gorgeous, Lynn....Christine

  2. The flowers look beautiful! I also saw your Celebrity cook along and that looks like so much fun so I'm going to plan to join. I love Paula Deen's recipes - never had a bad one. I'm your newest follower, too. :)

  3. Thanks for sharing you garden delights!

  4. Your strawberries look so healthy! I don't know what those are but we have something like that coming up and spreading under one of our Pine trees, it came from no where one year!?

  5. Love the flowers! I have one peony...a huge white one but I need to move doesn't bloom like it use to..I don't know what your little white flowers are but they are pretty....hope you have a fantastic week...Picket

  6. Peonies are my favorite flower. I don't have any planted but need to fix that. My yard seems to be still asleep. My lilac haven't popped open yet. I do have flowers on my chives and tarragon, though. My strawberry plants did not come back from last year. :(

  7. Don't mind me, I meant to say Chives and THYME, not tarragon!

  8. Your plants look wonderful, I wish I had more coming back every year instead of having to spend money on annuals, but I'm getting there.

    I always heard you were to cut the flowers off chives, apparently it spreads more. I'm not sure, I always seem to have enough!

    Your peonies are going to be beautiful!


  9. Hello from Frog Hollow Farm!! Your flowers look lovely - you definitely have great gardening skills. I'm not sure what that little flower is - I have a few in our front garden too - they were there when we moved into our house many years ago. Right now we have lily of the valley flowers blooming too, along with my favorite spring flower, lilacs!! I can't get enough of that scent. Ciao, bella!

  10. love all the woodsy looking blooms!

  11. I love this time of year! So many fun things going on in the garden. I'm stumped on the white flowers! No peony buds here yet.

  12. Hi lovely lady.
    I love all your pretty flowers!!!
    I hope you have a lovely week sweet lady

  13. Your spirea is gorgeous! I love peonies too and yours look they are about ready to burst open! Lily of the Valley has such a beautiful perfume. You are so lucky! (We had some growing at our first house.) I do not know what the little white flowers are, but my Mom will know. I'll show her the picture and get back to you.

  14. It might be a white Chionodoxa, sometimes called Glory Of The Snow.

  15. My little green-thumbed friend. I hope your talent rubs off on me.

  16. I ususally just pull off the dead flowers on the chives, I love mine - I have around 4 plants. Peonies are my VERY FAV flower, the scent is just heavenly to me.

  17. Wow, your peonies are going to be spectacular. Don't you wish they would flower all summer long. The good thing is they have pretty foliage too! BTW, I leave the flowers on my chives until they start to get real brown and seedy.

  18. Lynn, your garden is full of delights. The peonies are going to be beautiful.

  19. Lynn, Your garden looks nice. Aren't you glad spring has sprung?!!
    See you for the Celebrity Cook Along this wknd. I have had fun with that meme and I thank you for doing it (so does my family, who get to eat the goodies!)
    Hugs and blessings, Beth

  20. I read that you could pluck the blooms off, let them dry on the window sill and crumble them over a salad for a bit of color and flavor. Your chives look great!

  21. They are all beautiful... I want some Peonies :)

  22. Lovely flowers! The bridal wreath is just gorgeous!

  23. Your blooms are wonderful. I have never seen that "glory of the snow" plant, but I like it.

    I wish peonies would grow well here. They don't.

  24. Gorgeous blooms today! I'm pretty sure those little white bloomers are Zephyranthes candida sometimes commonly called Rain or Fairy Lily. :)

  25. Lynn, your garden is ahead of us in growing. However, I have a batch of chives in the dehydrator right now. I use the chive flower heads in salads. We just moved our strawberry plants and they are doing great. Lily of the Valley hasn't bloomed here yet but, should be soon because I see the lilacs are starting to bud and the two bloom at the same time around here.

  26. Love your blossoms! We love fresh chives on lots of things. They just liven up a dish! Our peonies are growing like crazy too showing many buds.. I have a soft pink one and a creamy white too. Your strawberries look beautiful. I had no idea they were such a pretty plant.
    have a great day!

  27. Your gardens are lovely!!
    I kept lookin' for Earl to pop up!
    He is our little friend!
    WOW! cook the most delish recipes and now you garden too,you are awesome!
    The blooms are fantastic,pretty!

  28. awesome those strawberry plants pretty little flowers too

  29. You have some beautiful flowers growing in your garden. I'm sure it is such a pleasure sitting out there and admiring all the color!

  30. Love your flowers! I had some of those sweet white flowers bloom in my yard this year also so I'm glad to know what they are called. My peony has bloomed and gone! The horrible storms we had destroyed most of the flowers so I only got a few pics this year.

  31. Beautiful!! I like to leave the flowers on my chives. They are so pretty and welcoming each year.

    susan and Bentley

  32. What a beautiful yard. I was wondering if it is safe to bring out the geraniums yet. We expect rain all week and I don't want their little feet to freeze.

  33. Hi Lynn,
    It looks like we are in the same gardening zone. My chives are a day or two behind yours. I almost included a photo, but only a couple blooms are open. When I first bought some chives, they were in bloom, and the guy told me to cut them back every year after the blooms fade. I always forget to use the flowers. Maybe I'll do something with them this year.

    I forgot to take a picture of my lily of the valley. My peonies are in the same stage as yours. Those white flowers are very pretty!

    Thanks for your comment on my blog.

  34. Girl I think if my peony doesn't bloom this year I'm gonna rip it out of my garden. I've waited and this will be the second year. Stunning bridal wreath. Love all the blooms.

  35. I can't wait for the Lily of the Valley, mine are just budding. The Bridal Wreath is so lovely! Everything looks so green and healthy. We don't usually plant until Memorial weekend here. Happy Bloomin' Tuesday! Jean

  36. peonies are so beautiful and large and intersting flowers . My mom had some long ago in our yard. makes me thnk of her to see them. can't wait to see them in bloom!

  37. Your white flower looks like Star of Bethlehem, or Ornithogalum umbellatum. It grows from tiny little bulbs and spreads like crazy in my garden. After flowering all the grasslike foliage dies out.

    I love chive blooms, so I let them flower and then cut them back just like you do.

  38. Your flowers are quite amazing! Love your chives and how big they are! Paula from Idaho


Thank you for stopping by-enjoy your day!