
Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Around the Yard

Hey everyone! One day of sunshine and we're back in the soup here in Philly, let's see what's blooming...

First, a little science experiment:
Katie at Le Beau Paon Victorien mentioned that her family dyes white peonies
by adding blue food coloring to the water, so I had to try it!
  Very pretty:@)
I used about 18 drops of blue and a cup of water, this is after 18 hours.
I think it's important to pick a bud that's just starting to open up like the one on the right.
I tried it earlier but the buds were too tight and while they did pick up the color they didn't open fully.
Red, White and Blue would be fun for Memorial Day!

I noticed something odd the other day, this is the fourth season these hot pink peonies have bloomed...
There's the single, then the Bowl of Beauty just beginning to open up. 

This year look what popped up in the same clump, I never saw this pom shaped one before!
It's been so wet that my peonies already have powdery mildew (or whatever it's called).

Both lavender plants are beginning to bloom.

My neighbor planted a few varieties of honeysuckle on the fence, 
quite invasive, but pretty when they bloom.
 Have a happy day!
I'm Joining:
Bloomin' Tuesday
This Week In My Garden


  1. Don't you just love the little quirky garden experiments? Your flowers are really waking up now.

  2. All the flowers are beautiful! Pretty cool to know how to dye the peonies. We have soooo many honeysuckle vines in our yard, they take over everything! I think they are pretty & love their smell but hate that they are so invasive.

  3. Great photos, Lynn. Your flowers are so pretty. I can't wait to try the dye experiment myself.

    Have a great Day!

  4. That's a fun idea, pretty color!
    Your garden is really blooming so nicely, such a nice time of year!

  5. Good morning from Frog Hollow Farm! Yes, one day of sunshine here as well - and it was glorious, wasn't it? Your flowers look so pretty - I guess everything will end up with some sort of mold with the weather we've been having - do you spray with anything? We always have to spray our zinnias for mold - I can find out what we use if you like. We always try to use something organically based whenever possible. Ciao, bella xxoo

  6. Peonies are just so fabulous looking... very elaborate dresses they wear!


  7. Your peonies are so pretty and I love the food coloring blue one! It's so hot here in Atlanta now not much blooming.

  8. Oh my goodness, those dyed blue peonies are just GORGEOUS. It's such a beautiful flower. It always to be like two flowers in one.

  9. Lovely peonies. Like the tip re dying white peonies.Wondering about any white flower could be worth a try.

  10. Hi Lynnie! Oh, look at all your pretty flowers! I wish I could grow peonies!
    be a sweetie,
    Shelia ;)

  11. I've seen carnations dyed in various colors but never peonies. That is such a beautiful soft blue. I think I like it. Isn't it strange how an odd flower pops up every so often. Maybe its a mutant.

  12. I like that shade of blue! How pretty! Isn't if fun trying out new things? You always seem to come up with the most inventive things to try!

  13. Hi Lynn, thank you for your comment about our trip. We are ready to go.

    I once tried food coloring on a flower and it worked some. I will try your recipe. The blue is fabulous. I have no idea why your peony is so full this year. Funny what Mother nature does. Last fall my yellow iris were blooming like crazy. This spring they are not???

    I checked my rhubarb and it is looking good but it isn't ready yet. It is green and a bit red. We'll see. Smile.

    Until we are in Maine, I won't be on my computer. See you on the weekend.
    Hugs, Jeanne

  14. I love that kind of experiment. I do something similar with carnations for St. Patrick's Day. Your garden is coming along nicely. I hope you have a great day. Blessings...Mary

  15. Blue peonie's! Now that's unusual and pretty!

    Love the flag behind the dancing pigs :))

  16. I didn't know you could dye peonies! I'm going to try it when mine finally bloom - thanks for the tips. I love peonies!

  17. I never have seen so many peonies as this year. I love them. I must try to find me some. Yours are simply gorgeous.

  18. Yeah, Lynn, thanks to Pat at Mille Fiori Favoriti I can leave a comment, but no photo! Oh well, I just wanted to say that I love your garden and I am so wanting to grow peonies in my yard. I guess that is what florists do to get colors not found naturally. Great tip. xo,

  19. I've done that with carnations, but never thought about doing it with my peonies! This is my third year trying to grow lavender. One plant survived from last year and I've added 2 more. I really want a field of lavender!

    Blogger won't let me sign in??? I'm having to back door my way in to comment.

  20. I love it when something strange comes up! The blue peony is lovely. I've never seen it done before. Jean

  21. I've done that dye trick with Daisies but never tried it with Peonies. That's a fun experiment. :)

  22. Oh how I long for the peonies that I used to grow in the mountains of West Virginia. Here on the coast of North Carolina, where we now live, they will not grow. I do have hydrangeas, but I miss the peonies. That's a pretty neat process of turning them blue.


  23. Will you stop waving your gorgeous peonies in front of my nose!! I am so envious!

    Of course I've seen your science experiment done with carnations but I had no idea that it would work so well with peonies. Too cool.

    Blessings, Debbie

  24. A confused poppy for I single? Double? Bi? Be patient until it finds itself. Either that or hack off the mutants.

  25. I am so glad for spring. Beautiful flowers you have! Love the blue-ing.

  26. As a scientist, it's nice to see home "experiments" !

  27. It WORKED!! How cool is that???

    Next year, I should have more white blooms to try this on. My white plant is new so not many blossoms this year.

    I remember when we used to do this with carnations waaaaaaay back in the olden days. LOVE that turquoise!!!

  28. How very pretty your flowers are. Love the pretty honeysuckle. I may have to plant some on my ugly fence.

  29. Love the dye experiment and such a beautiful color! And a peony that gives you a 3-on-1 is a real treat!

    Thanks so much for joining the party,

  30. What pretty flowers you have, Lynn. I love these so much but it's too windy here for them to be pretty like yours.
    have a great day.
    xoxo bj

  31. The peony tip is cool! Your garden looks lovely!!

    Susan and Bentley

  32. I'd completely forgotten about that dying process. Thanks for the reminder. Peonies are one of my most favorite flowers. My grandmother had a huge flower garden and in the center were many varieties. She always had big bouquets of them in the house. Such a lovely memory.


  33. What a fun idea dying the flowers! I never thought to do that.

  34. Thanks for the shout out! I'm glad it worked for you! Isn't it fun to do something fun like that? I had tried other colors in the past, but the blue was the only thing that worked well.

  35. Wow I didn't know you could get peonies to change color like that! I've done it with Queen Anne's Lace but that's it. I've never seen mildew on Peonies...but it looks like the flowers are going to be just fine! The one you called a pom type flower is how mine looks. Mine are just starting to open up.


Thank you for stopping by-enjoy your day!