
Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Gone With A Handsomer Man-Week Two!

Hey everyone-Happy Tablescape Thursday and Foodie Friday! I'm continuing with the GWAHM Party theme. Have you read it yet? I've added a tablescape to my recipe this week.

Chapter 34-Bing's sister Eileen had just stopped by for a "visit" to discuss his will, Teeny's visibly shaken, 
and cooking calms her...
        I fixed a red-potato frittata, adding chopped bacon and onions. I set the patio table with blue-and white floral dishes, added a vase filled with hydrangeas, and called Red Butler to the garden.
        He ate in silence, scraping his fork over the plate. I cut another wedge of frittata and slipped it onto his plate. He dug in greedily... 
"Damn, this is good," he said.
I must say, I agree with Red! 
Hope you love it if you try it:@)

Potato Bacon Frittata (I cut this recipe in half and used an 8" skillet)
4 slices bacon, cut into 1/2" pieces (full disclosure-I used leftover ham, I made this on Easter Monday)
2 medium potatoes, cut into 1/4" slices
6 large eggs, lightly beaten
1/4 C milk
1/2 tsp pepper
1/4 tsp salt
1 1/2 C grated Parmesan cheese
1/2 C thinly sliced green onion
2 tsp finely snipped fresh basil or 1/2 tsp dried basil, crushed
salsa or sour cream (both optional)

  1. Using a large nonstick skillet, cook bacon till crisp and drain on towel.
  2. Reserve 2 Tblsp bacon drippings.
  3. Add potato slices to skillet with reserved bacon drippings.
  4. Cover and cook over medium heat for 12-15 minutes until tender and lightly browned.
  5. Turn potato slices over and turn down heat to prevent over-browning (if necessary).
  6. Beat eggs, milk, pepper and salt.
  7. Stir in cheese, green onion and basil.
  8. Spread cooked potatoes in an even layer over the bottom of skillet.
  9. Sprinkle bacon over potatoes and pour egg mixture over top.
  10. Cover, reduce heat to medium low.
  11. Cook 15-20 minutes until top surface of egg is set.
  12. Decrease heat to low if necessary to allow center to cook without over-cooking the edges.
  13. Loosen edges of frittata from pan, carefully invert onto large serving plate (I liked mine top side up better)
  14. Cut into wedges.
  15. Put a dollop of sour cream or salsa on top if desired.
  16. ONE TIP: If the bottom is set but it's still too loose on top towards the middle, you can slowly finish it under the broiler. But watch it very carefully.
Thanks again Michael for a fun read 
and for providing the inspiration for this week's post:@)
Also joining:
Let's Do Brunch
It's a Keeper Thursday


  1. I love frittatas--this looks good. Thanks. Enjoyed seeing your lilacs which are hard to grow where we live, but we had plenty of them up north. I can just catch their wonderful scent from your photo!

  2. This looks yummy! I looked for that book at the bookstore this weekend, but I didn't see it. I guess I'll need to just order it.

    And your table is pretty too!

  3. Beautiful setting and that recipe looks really good.

  4. Yum this looks good. I have just finished GWAHM and I LOVED IT!!! What a fun table setting inspired by the book! hugs, Linda

  5. That looks delicious and it doesn't help that i haven't had breakfast yet :)

  6. Hey, Pal!

    The frittata looks delicious and your tablescape is very bistro-like. FABULOUS!

  7. Yes, I love your bistro table. It looks so nice.
    I can't read the recipe..on my computer, there's a big green box over the recipe part. ??

  8. What a FunFun Post! I love the idea of a good read and a good recipe put together with great photos. I'm like BJ...can't see the recipe for the green box filtered over the lettering.

    Thanks for visiting my Return From Spring Break post with Rosie and Cardie.

  9. How fun! I need to do one of these recipes. And that one look yummy!


    Sheila :-)

  10. OMG! This is right up my alley! Bob loved pan fried potatoes and this new twist will have him drooling. He and Red will be having a "Damn" fight over this dish. Thanks for sharing this.
    Thanks for visiting my amaryllis garden. When we lived in Atlanta I never saw them in the garden. Here they thrive.
    Hugs, Ginger

  11. I typed up the recipe guys, so much for copy and paste:@)

  12. I just love frittatas. I am going to try this one! Wonderful job bringing the fiction table to life! Also, congrats on winning the dishes! How exciting!

  13. The frittata lookes marvelous. I have to make this. It is great for a brunch. Would you link it up with Let's Do Brunch? It is the perfect kind of recipe for this linky. Thanks for considering it.

  14. what an amazing post love the recipe thanks for sharing please stop by my blog at to see what I shared

  15. This sounds really good! Pretty table setting too!

  16. Delicious! No lilacs here yet but soon. We are wishing for sunshine and warmer temperatures. My book is on order!!


  17. I love this post, Lynn, and I have to try this recipe...bacon and onions! Yum! Your table looks very pretty, too! Thanks so much!


  18. Since I do not cook much anymore, I would certainly enjoyed a meal of this tasty looking food.

  19. That looks delicious, Lynn! Red was an interesting character, loved the play on words for his name!

  20. Ooh, this look yummy. I'm going to try it. Wonder if Red Butler will stop by! LOL!

    Your table looks lovely.


  21. Oh, this does look good. I have never made a frittata, I need to try it! The addition of bacon sounds great.

  22. Glad you don't want to be a royal - me neither!

  23. What a fun post! How nice that Red Butler joined you for this delicious looking food on your pretty blue and white tablescape in the garden. Teeny would approve. Thanks for the recipe. laurie

  24. This looks delicious!! Thanks for the recipe!
    When you have a chance e-mail me with your home address. I found a little something when I was out shopping today that immediately made me think of you and I want to send it to you.
    Hope you're having a wonderful evening.

  25. Lynn, this is great! I was going to do the same passage and set a table in blue and white, but started off on another path. Ended up with the shortbread, but this looks like a healthier choice. Well done! ~ Sarah

  26. Love the post! Thanks for sharing the recipes ... everything looks yummy. The blue/white plates are so great ... they look like the blue Corning Ware pattern .. is that what they are?? Hope you're having a great week.

  27. those fritatas look so wonderful! Maybe I could convince the mister to stray from his chicken fried steak just once! Love the delicate plates too.

  28. This looks great. I've made strata and quiche but never a fritta. I think it's time I gave it a try.

    Hope to see you at Seasonal Sundays.

    - The Tablescaper

  29. Yummy! A great frittata is as good as a steak!
    Beautiful images and delicious recipe!

  30. I have to remember not to come here when I am hungry!! Lynn it all looks so good and I will try the recipe...thanks!

  31. Great post! All yummy, Lynn. I just love your recipes...I was so happy to win the book GWAHM, at Susan's, I can wait till I receive it! I love the frittata for breakfast on Sat. for my hubby, I know he's going to love it! Let you know...

  32. Love the table. How fun. Looks delicious.

  33. Lovely recipes! Nice tablescape too.
    Hope to see you on my blog:)


  34. Hey, thanks Lynn...that looks & sounds GREAT!! Fun post, too, with all your pretty blues.

    Thanks for the recipe,

  35. Beautiful setting and amazing food.. Doesnt get better than that..


  36. Hi Lynn! Oh, your patio table looks wonderful and the food! Oh, my goodness! That looks so good. I haven't read her book yet! I've gotta get it!
    Be a sweetie and say hello to Rhett!
    Be a sweetie,
    Shelia ;)

  37. This looks so inviting. The food looks heavenly -- I've got the book and looking forward to starting it on vacation soon!

  38. The frittata is delightful as well as the table scape. Perfect for Spring.


  39. How delicious. I am going to take your halved recipe and double it! Leftovers!

  40. I loved this chapter! You're an inspired writer! I got a big smile here. Everything looks real good on your pretty table.

  41. How bout that,sooo delish lookin',yep that book is so funny.
    Glad you came by to see Coop's red pepper omelet.
    It was so good,just like I know Red enjoyed Teeny's frittata!
    Lazy on Loblolly

  42. This looks quite delicious! So great to see Michael Lee's book celebrated throughout blogland!

  43. Love your frittata! I got more than a few chuckles from Red :-)

  44. Love you outdoor table with some sunshine and that great looking frittata!

  45. I obviously need to go buy the book. Thanks for the recipe. Cherry Kay

  46. Hi lovely lady. Im going to put this recipe together this weekend. I just got the book
    Gone With a Handsomer Man from Michael Lee West in the mail today. So Happy ~~~for the Give-a-Way. I hope you and your family have a Great Weekend.

  47. Hello Lynn,
    that looks really good. I get hungry when I see it.
    Greetings, Johanna

  48. Oh this sounds so good. I am sure I would love it. I will definitely give it a try. Hugs, marty

  49. I've been so busy this week, I forgot to make anything, but I have all these ingredients in the fridge, including the leftover Easter ham, so I'm going to borrow your idea and use revise the recipe slightly to use up my ham. PS - when I read over the list of ingredients, I decided I needed to add some onion when frying those potatoes... glad to see you did the same. Great minds think alike!!


  50. Hi Lynn, thank you for your visits and sweet comments while I was In Calif. Your visits mean a lot to me.

    I just scrolled down to a couple of your posts I have missed. First Coconut Macaroons with lemon sound delicious. Your lilacs are gorgeous and I MUST get that book to read. Your inspired post is fun and I know delicious.

    I hope you had a wonderful Easter. I was in CA for a friend’s wedding. I missed Easter for the first time in my life. It seemed kind of odd.

    Happy cooking and reading.
    Hugs, Jeanne

  51. This looks wonderful! I love frittatas!

  52. "YUMMY, YUMMY, YUMMY"!!! Does Earl know about the ham! or is he hiding under your bed till MAY?
    Thank you for the recipe! I'll be trying it SOON!

  53. This is fabulous! You brought that scene to life with your delicious food and beautiful blue-and-white dishes. And hydrangeas, too!
    I'm postponing my crash diet until I make your potato bacon frittata. Thank you SO much! This post gladdens my heart! XX00

  54. It was a fun read and your fritatta looks excellent!

  55. Your fritata looks so good, Lynn, and love the outdoor setting...Christine

  56. Great post and excellent looking frittata:)

  57. Your fritatta looks wonderful and I'm sure it is as delicious as it is beautiful. I hope you have a great day. Blessings...Mary

  58. Yum! Another great recipe for my stash. Thanks again...

    Blessings, Debbie

  59. This looks wonderful, Lynn. birthday is next week....maybe I should get this book to celebrate reaching the half century mark?

  60. BEAUTIFUL tablescape!! I haven't read her book yet, it is on my list though :) Thanks for sharing the recipe, it looks wonderful!

  61. I love your table...the frittata looks heavenly. Haven't read the book everyone is raving about, yet, but will look for it when I go to the city tomorrow.

  62. That frittata looks perfectly delicious.

  63. Oh my goodness this looks delicious!!! Now I am hungry and in want of a frittata.
    Your tablescape is beautiful. There is just something wonderful about blue and white.
    Well, I had better go to the kitchen and make sure I have everything I need to make the frittata. Thanks so much for the recipe.

  64. Came back to thank you for linking this up to Let's Do Brunch. I am off to check out what else is new here.

  65. Oh, man, does that ever look good!!! I am so hungry now!!! I love to make frittatas because they are so practical and the clean up is so easy! I don't think I've ever made one with potatoes in it, so I am going to try this recipe once we get all moved. My kitchen (and the rest of the house!) looks like a disaster zone right now, and I can barely cook anything. There are boxes stacked up all over the place with the stuff I have "pre-packed" before the packers/movers get here in a couple of weeks. I just want the whole process to go smoothly. Anyway, I will definitely give your recipe a try. My mouth is watering!!! Have a great week!


Thank you for stopping by-enjoy your day!