
Monday, April 18, 2011

Dandy Daffodils!

Hi everyone! I'm happy to be joining Bloomin' Tuesday, Farm Friend Friday and Pink Saturday this week! I love daffodils and pick up different bulbs when I see them. Here are just a few that are blooming in my yard right now.

Have a happy day:@)

PS-They call the daff in the first pic "pink", I call it salmon. I should thin that patch out this year and was wondering if anyone has an interesting, different daffodil that they would like to swap with me?
I'm thinking maybe 5 bulbs, just for fun. We would do this in the fall, let me know!


  1. I really like the yellow with the white center ones. Daffodils are just so happy!

  2. Wow, what a variety you have, my heart with pleasure fills and dances with the daffodils!

  3. Good Morning!
    A beautiful array of daffodils. I bet your garden looks gorgeous!
    I'm not a gardener so I don't have any daffodils to swap. I hope you find someone who does.

  4. What beautiful blooms. So pretty.

  5. Beautiful blooms to make one smile!

  6. I wish I had more daffodils in my yard. We have two varieties. They are so wonderful...the first look of Spring. Yours are beautiful!

  7. Your daffodils are gorgeous! LOVE them all!
    No flowers here, just snow.
    Enjoy your pretty flowers!

  8. Love seeing a group of happy daffodils. All of mine have long faded. ~ Sarah

  9. My daffs are covered with a dusting of snow this morning :(

  10. I love your daffs. Thanks for showing them as mine are long gone....

  11. They're beautiful. My grandmother had a God given green thumb. And I do remember her having these. She loved to work her flower beds. Wonderful memories.

  12. Beautiful daffodils! I would trade with you. Mine are now covered in snow. I will have to post some pics if they come up. Let me know if you are interested in any. I do have some cute little minis. I really like the doubles!

  13. I love daffodils and left so many at our old house. This Fall I have to start over but will put in lots for sure. I love all of your varieties here. The different colors are amazing. Thanks Lynn!

  14. Gorgeous! I love daffodils!!! They are such cheerful flowers. A few years ago, while visiting my sister, I was awed by the medians of the interstate in VA...every inch of the medians and the grassy sides of the highway were in full bloom with daffodils and forsythia. It was a glorious site! Wish I could grow them here in coastal FL...
    Jane (Artfully graced)

  15. Oh my, your daffodils made my day! They are lovely!


  16. Love the daffodils. The only way I get them is to buy them at the market. By the time we get back to Maine, they are gone. Yours are just lovely.


  17. WOW...your daffodils are gorgeous..... WOW WOW WOW.... Ciao Flavia

  18. I love the one they call pink in the top photo. I would call it blush just to be difficult.

    I don't grow a single bulb plant besides some daylilies. I have to enjoy them vicariously through others.

  19. Daffodils are my favorite flower, Lynn, so it's a special treat to see your beauties!

  20. I love bulb number 3. So many different colors. I have a crazy question - say I plant a bunch of bulbs this fall. They bloom next Spring and then hibernate again. Can I plant over them with seasonal summer flowers like impatiens or not? Is this the stupidest question or what?

  21. Not a stupid question at all! You can plant around your bulbs, don't plant on top of them. Lots of folks plant daffs and day lilies together so that once the daffs are done the lilies are tall enough to cover the leaves. Some people take the time to roll the daff leaves up and secure them with jute so they are hidden by other plants. I'm sure there will be more advice:@)

  22. I too love daffodils. I call them the happy flower. I have a very few that don't seem to be excelling! Don't think you'd want to swap with me, but I do hope I remember to plant some different daffodil bulbs this fall. Yours are so pretty.

  23. I love your wonderful varieties of daffodils. We don't have any but one up yet. I think they are so wonderful and herald spring! (Still socked in here - all right already!)

  24. Daffodils = Spring! I think all of yours are gorgeous- your yard must be spectacular!

  25. What a great selection of Daffodils. I have never seen the third one - the one with the multiple flowers in the middle. Very interesting!

  26. OOOO, so many pretty ones! I loved seeing them. laurie

  27. Who knew there were so many different types of Daf's...I am loving them all...they are definitely going to be on the list for next springs garden...Kinda dropped the ball on my bulbs for the this spring oops


  28. I love daffodils of all colors. They are so hardy, easy to care for and just bloom their little heads off. You have a great assortment, they are beautiful.

  29. Beautiful! Anything we had blooming got covered in snow this morning. :(

  30. Love the daffodils. I just planted some pink ones this year. I agree they are closer to salmon. I will take you up on that swap in a year or so. I only planted 5 bulbs. They are the scrambles egg type but in the pink. How long does it take them to multiply? You will get some whether there is a swap going on or not. Love ya girll. Ginger

  31. You have a beautiful selection of Daffodils in your garden! :)

  32. What a nice collection of Daffs!

  33. Hi Lynn, thanks for dropping by the other day and for your sweet comments. I love daffodils and yours are gorgeous!!! My favorite are the yellow ones with orange centers..

  34. Calling by from Bloomin' Tuesday, as a first time participant, discovering all the other great blogs that participate. You have a beautiful selection of Daffodils in your garden.

  35. Gorgeous daffodils. I am in love with the third one down. Oh it is beautiful. And the fifth one down - so bright. Let me know about the swap. I have a lot but they are all mixed together. Mine were stingy this year with the blooms. Out of a whole bed of daffs I only had a couple of blooms. Very disappointing.

  36. What a lovely selection of daffs.

  37. Love all your daffodils but the pink is gorgeous! Wish I had some to trade. Glad to see you back on Bloomin' Tuesday! Looking forward to seeing all your bloomers! Jean

  38. They are beautiful! I only have one daffodil:( Isn't that strange. The salesclerk in Holland MI put a bulb in my bag when I bought my tulips last year. It is some layered fancy variety. I really have to put some out for next year.

  39. So pretty!

    Here's my Pink creation, hope you can visit and comment. Thank you!

  40. Yours are just gorgeous! I have a few of yours, love them all! I just go around, yearly, & with the hedge trim cutter whack off the leaves to about 4" off the ground ... never hurt them at all. I just got tired of folding down the leaves ...

    May your Easter be filled with eggs-tra special blessings ~
    TTFN ~

  41. Your daffodil garden is astounding! Have a happy PS and a Happy Easter!

  42. They are dandy! :)
    Happy Easter.

  43. HPS to you, and best wishes for a wonderful Easter holiday weekend.
    xx's Marsha

  44. Beautiful! I am still waiting for my flowers to get brave in this chilly weather we're having. Until then, I guess I'll have to enjoy yours. Daffodils are about my favorite flower.

  45. I've always loved the white ones with the peachy cups. So pretty.

    Happy Pink Saturday!

  46. So pretty. I love flowers.

    Alana @


Thank you for stopping by-enjoy your day!