
Wednesday, December 7, 2022

Copper Pennies -Carrot Salad -Retro Recipe

I've wanted to try these Copper Pennies for a long time and they turned out to be a nice, puckery, side dish. If you like pickled veggies, or pickled vegetable salads, you'll like this one folks:@) The recipe calls for fresh carrots, peeled and cooked. You can easily substitute canned carrots, two cans, and I think there's plenty of sauce for three cans. I did choose to cut back quite a bit on the vegetable oil. If using canned carrots be sure to drain them well.

Copper Pennies-from Paula Deen
1 C sugar
1 C white vinegar
1 C vegetable oil
1 tsp dry mustard
1 tsp worcestershire sauce
S&P to taste
10 oz can tomato soup
2 lbs peeled, sliced and cooked carrots
1 medium onion, sliced
1 medium green pepper, sliced
  1. Add sugar, vinegar, oil, mustard, worcestershire and S&P to pan. Bring to a boil, stir until sugar dissolves.
  2. Remove from heat, stir in soup.
  3. Add carrots, onion and peppers, mix well.
  4. Cover and store in refrigerator, let mingle overnight is best.
Eat well and have a happy day:@)


  1. I think the amount of sugar in your recipe would prove too much for me!

  2. My mom used to make these when I was a kid. I think I need to give them a try

  3. What a bright, tangy-sweet, colorful start to a gray-mist morning!! Such memories of Southern tables of the Sixties, Seventies, and on through the rolling years, and one of my favorite Justin Wilson moments, as well, as he and those red suspenders kept us all laughing and jotting down recipes. You're often the tip-top of my list in the mornings when I look in on my blog, and it's such a lift to sip a cup of strong Eight O'Clock as I read your recipes and have a little kvell at all those tiny clothes.

    Many a Barbie for my much-younger sister was dressed Fifties-style in a tulle-or-net overskirt, made from the small drapings of a dried corsage she chose from my beribboned corkboard, And many a gentle joke at my expense, as the several savants-of-the-Singer in our family turned out bundles of gorgeous items for their own personal wardrobes with their busy fingers. I could embroider a few stitches on my limp hoop of Sunbonnet Sue, then I was off to the kitchen to make a cake, or start supper, or to the busy drugstore for another skein or two, with the little paper tubes from all the yarns and silks laced on my fingers or handlebars for reference. I tried my hand at simple doilies or coasters with that clumsy crochet needle, and the inevitable result was a tight, tubular mass within three turns around---they always laughed and said if anyone was ever in the market for a Barbie hat or a pocket-case for one of Uncle Fate's cigars, I was your girl.

    So, anytime I tune in, you're the best of both worlds---all those wonderful kitchen surprises and party favorites, and such intricate, ingenious wee clothes as fairies must sew. I wish you the best and brightest of this wonderful season! r

  4. Oh my word, Lynn! These brought back memories as I made them waaaaaay back in the 1970’s. I had forgotten about them. I’ll have to try them again.

  5. I'm always looking for ways to shake up my side dish recipes---this is a great idea for the carrots that are always in my fridge!


Thank you for stopping by-enjoy your day!